Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well, I had just gone for a long, stinky run and was psyched to take my record-breaking third shower of the season. I walk into the bathroom just as this guy is posting signs saying that all showers are forbidden for the next few days. Apparently they're doing maintenance on the well where they melt the snow to get our water. Damn.

For whatever reason, I feel like I'm only writing about hygiene this year. You all must be getting bored. I think I'll make my next few posts about something interesting and scientific, just to keep y'all entertained :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for everyone else...but I am ejoying keeping track of your showers. Makes me appreciate all my showers here!!! Congrats on your article! Very informative! I still think you're getting shafted sleeping in a tent! :)