Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yes Mom, I'm Still Alive

Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted. I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for my next report. It's been an eventful few days, including my flight to McMurdo and then on to the Pole (among my co-travellers was a distinguished congressional delegation. I've got much, much more to say about that...)

Unfortunately, you'll have to wait just a teeny, tiny bit longer for the full story. There have been problems with the satellite connection at Pole, so I've been without the luxury of the internet for awhile now. Fortunately, the problem seems to be fixed, and I'm in the process of transitioning to night shift, so I should once again be basking in the warm glow of the Internet soon. I'll give a more full report (with pictures) sometime tomorrow...

P.S. I just found out that I'm getting to write a five article series of diary articles for the Economist's website. Should be fun. And should be a good chance to recycle some of the material from this blog...


Anonymous said...

YES!!!!We are so glad to have some open communcation again. Sounds like its been busy. We hope all will go well . Your writing opportunity sounds wonderful!! Hope that satellite connection stays up!!!!! LOVE YOU

Anonymous said...

I hope this satellite problem doesn't get in the way of you securing a pet penquin for us. Internet connection or not, Ann and I are hard at work preparing his new home for him.

Congrats on the Economist and I hope all is well! ~Marthe

wbain said...

I am impressed by Vin and Dol--you guys are really up to date with the new-fangled technology. Mikey, reserved a hotel room for Kenyon's wedding tonight (assuming you are still up for the low-budget sausage fest). Interested to hear about the congressional delegation. If you do publish parts of your blog for the Economist, could you please ensure you discuss inter-species relationships with polar species? Thanks--looking forward to further posts, especially since they will be shaded by all the night shift shenanigans.

Cautious Optimist said...

What's the difference between the night shift and the day really? Isn't the sun always shining (or always not shining- I may have to reread last year's blog posts...)

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely. How many people can say that they've been to the south pole twice?! You will be a star at future dinner parties!