Monday, January 22, 2007

Stuck In A Time Warp

So I realize it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I think part of the problem is that I've completely, utterly lost all sense of time. I actually found myself arguing with someone today about whether it was Tuesday or Wednesday. When I first got here I couldn't understand why there were big clocks everywhere with the day of the week and the date on them. It's because it's always bright sunshine and people are working crazy, shifting hours (I've worked two 24 hour shifts this week). I actually fell asleep in the dining hall the other day. Most days, I go to sleep in the morning and wake up in the evening. So I go to sleep and wake up, but the date hasn't changed. It all adds up to some serious confusion. I'm starting to understand why people drink so much down here (Don't worry Mom, I'm not going to become an alcoholic...)

Anyway, these last few days have been the first that I've found myself longing for the normal world again. Can't wait to be sitting on the beach in Australia. There are people who've been here since October, and I can't even imagine how they must feel.

So I deployed the instrument that I built and came down here to install. So far, it's been a mixed bag. Some things worked, others didn't. I have some really cool video that it took as it was being lowered into the hole. I'll try to put that up for tomorrow. As for now, it's 9:30 AM. That means it's bedtime...


Anonymous said...

Yes you are still there!! Try to get some rest when you can. Just so you know Australia is having a very very hot weather time. So much drought that it is causing the SNAKES to come out to where the people live!! If you go there WATCH OUT!!!
Be careful and stay warm

Cautious Optimist said...

In case you didn't hear, the Bears are going to the Superbowl. Apparently your exiting North America has sort of a hell-frozen-over power. Stay there all year and the Cubs may win a pennant.

Anonymous said...

Mike....hang in there!!! I can't imagine going to bed with it being light out still. Again, I'll have to agree with your friend...maybe if you stay, the Cubs have a chance of winning! We'll keep you updated on the Bears!! GO BEARS!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry...forgot to include my name with the last comment....LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs D, just to let you know that Mike already is an alcoholic!